Meet the System – Annual Reviews and Organization of Controls and Inspection Works

Industrial Plants Area
Annual Reviews and Organization of Controls and Inspection Works Using the System
The solution is based on the Inspection solution. The inspection-related components for individual equipment have been expanded to include mechanisms to support annual inspections in continuous industrial plants that require coordinated inspection and measurement work to be carried out in a short time frame. All functions available for Inspection are also available in this solution. The coordinator defines the required scope of inspection work through the Inspection mechanism. The difference begins in the timing of work planning and execution.
Typically, annual inspections are performed with the help of external service teams (companies, subcontractors) and in-house resources. Key to this approach is proper coordination of work and supervision of the execution/acceptance of the inspection work performed so that all activities are carried out during the plant’s shutdown period.

For this purpose, the system allows you to schedule control work and divide it into groups of tasks – contracts, contract scopes, and work orders. Each such work order can be assigned to internal resources (departments, employees) as well as to external companies. A dedicated web portal is provided for external companies, where the supplier can view the assigned work and update its progress. Using mobile devices, he can also carry out outsourced work according to checklists developed with the Inspections solution.

Third-party providers can also use mobile solutions for offline work (without access to the network), where the tasks to be performed separated only for them are synchronized on the devices ensuring the maximum level of data separation. Executed work can additionally be verified by in-house employees increasing confidence that activities are performed correctly.
The solution is also equipped with mechanisms for visualization of progress in the form of dashboards/graphic panels in a simple way showing the work in progress and its completeness. After approving the completed work, the system automatically generates final reports with full photo documentation and electronic signatures saving everything in the system and allowing their later historical analysis.
Advantages for the Coordinator
- Full insight into the ongoing work and its coordination.
- Definition of performed work following the requirements of standards/checklists.
- Delegation of performed work to subcontractors and verification of billings.
- Full digitalization of work and access to historical data for all equipment.

For the Work Contractors
- For the acceptor of the work – a preview of the actual work progress.
- For the work acceptor – a simple interface for accepting completed work.
- For the in-house contractor – a well-known Inspection interface for performing inspection activities.
- For the subcontractor – access through a web portal to the activities to be performed for the subcontractor – performing activities via mobile devices and confirming the completed work with photo documentation.

Investment Value and Savings
- The cost of delays in the work without an efficient mechanism to control/visualize the progress of the work.
- The cost of improperly performed inspection work by subcontractors due to cursory inspection of activities performed en masse in a short time frame.
- The cost of not having access to historical data and the advantages of digitizing all activities.

- Subcontractor – reviews outsourced activities, updates progress, performs inspection work using the Inspection module.
- Inspection work contractor – performs inspection work using the Inspection module.
- Maintenance Coordinator/Manager – defines the inspection work to be performed, coordinates the execution, verifies the correctness of the activities (acceptances), and analyzes the work progress and its completeness.

- AMAGE Web application
- AMAGE Shell application – for mobile execution
- AMAGE Fx – for mobile execution – offline works
- AMAGE Web Portal – for subcontractor – reporting of external work